The College Central Library is a connecting link between teaching and learning as well as place which supplements its resources what is beyond scope of class room and its 17 educational departments. Central library plays an important role in the educational history of both the students as well as for the faculty members. It also has reading place for its users to support teaching and learning. The library is well equipped with computers for its users for searching online information as well as by providing specific print information during their need.
Presently the library has more than 14000+ books in General as per accession register. Total number printed journals subscribed are 11 as per accession register. E-Books and E-journals are subscribed through INFLIBNET N-List Consortia. Our library is partially automated. Cataloguing and circulation system is automated. Library runs on Koha Integrated Library System. In the library, Web OPAC is available to search bibliographic records of library resources via college website at anytime from anywhere. The ultimate goal of this Web-based Online Public Access Catalogue (WEBOPAC) is to enable users to browse library collection online beyond the physical boundary of the college. Wi-Fi infrastructure has already been in place recently.
Every students, teaching and non teaching staff of the college are the library members. Students after getting admission has to bring 2 passport size photograph and payment of college fees receipt every semester in order to obtain/updation of the library card and services from library.
3rd and 5 th Semester Fees Collection – 2021-22
Commnecement of online registration 2021-22
3rd Year (1+1+1) Admission Notice
BA. BSc. Honors and General Sem-I Exam and Tuition Fee Notice
University Registration List of Semester 1 Session 2021-22-List 1
University Registration List of Semester 1 Session 2021-22- list 2
University Registration List of Semester 1 Session 2021-22 list-3
Career Counseling Workshop-22-04-2022
Fee Payment Notice for Part-III (1+1+1) Examination-2022
Provisional Admission (B.A & B.Sc)-5th Semester
NOTICE-1 for B.A & B. Sc. Honours General 5th Semester-30-11-2022
NOTICE-2 for B.A & B. Sc. Honours General 5th Semester-30-11-2022
NOTICE-1 for B.A. & B.Sc. Honours-General 3rd Sem. Students
NOTICE-2 for B.A. & B.Sc. Honours-General 3rd Sem. Students
NOTICE for B.A. & B.Sc (Honours/General) 6th Semester
Notice 1 for B.A. & B.Sc. (Honours/General) 1st Semester
Notice 2 for B.A. & B.Sc. (Honours/General) 1st Semester
NOTICE For 1st Semester (B. A. & B.Sc. Generals-Honours) 2023
1st Semester Registration list-23 (General)
1st Semester Registration-23 (Honours)
1st Semester Regstration-23 (B.Sc Honours)
Notice for B.A. & B.Sc. 4th Semester (Honours & General) Students
Notice for B. A & B.Sc. 2nd Sem (Honours-General)
Tender Notice for Demolition of Old Dilapidated Building on highest rate quote basis
Tender Notice-2 Call- 11-05-2023
NOTICE-for B.A. & B.Sc. Honours/General 6th Semester-24-05-23
B.A. & B. Sc Honours General 2nd Sem Exam form fill up Notice
B.A- B.Sc-III Sem_Provisional Admission_Notice
Notice for B.A. & B.Sc. (Honours/General) 5th SEM_Form Fill up
NOTICE for B.A & B.Sc. 6-Semester (Honours & General)
NOTICE for B.A & B.Sc 1-Semester (Honours & General)
E-Tender-2 Laboratory Equipment’s
E-Tender-1 Computer and Accessories
Notice for B. A. & B.Sc. Semester-4 (Honours and General)
NOTICE for B.A. & B.Sc 2nd_Sem_Admission_2024
NOTICE B.A & B.Sc Honours/General 6th Semester
BA & BSc Honours & General IV_Sem_form_fillup
Schedule for Physical Verification
Notice for Provisional Admission for B. A. & B. Sc. (Honours & General ) Semester V
Notice for B.A & B.Sc. (Honours & Generals 2nd_Sem-Exam_06.9.24