The Department of Sanskrit was established in the academic year 1970. This time offers UG ( Honours & General ) course as semester evaluation system as per the University of Gour Banga. Department have two fulltime Assistant Professor and one Govt. approve SACT teacher. Sanskrit is the most ancient and great among the languages of the world. It has been carrying the great intellectual traditions of this land of seers of great intellectual depths and spiritual height. It is the most interesting and scientific languages among the world. As a language, Sanskrit is regarded by the experts of linguistics and philology a perfect vehicle of communication.
Objective / aim of the Department:
The sole aim of the Department is to impart high-quality teaching and research work to make Sanskrit academic culture as Indian way of teaching and learning perspective so that Indian Intellectual Traditions and its contemporary global need and significance may be flourished. The Department is dedicated to creating an academic platform for developing innovative Ideas in Human science for Sustainable Human Development by re-claiming pasts for tackling contemporary issues and re-visioning future through uninterrupted cosmopolitan Sanskrit Knowledge Systems. The vision of the Department is to make Sanskrit as a link of both ancient and modern and synthesize all the great thoughts of both east and west with following motto:
पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं न चापि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम् ।
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरद्भजन्ते मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः।। – मालविकाग्निमित्रम् – 1.2
Everything is not great just because it is ancient. Nothing is bad just because it is modern. Intelligent people take things after examining it properly. An ignorant man simply believes what others say.
Major milestone since inception of the Department:
Course offered: CBCS system.
Programme | Level of Study | Cut off Marks at Entry Level % | Intake Capacity |
B.A. (Honours) | UG | 40% in aggregate for General, SC, ST, OBC, PD categories. | 91 ( It is fix by the University) |
B.A. (General) | UG | No fixed cut off marks by the University or College. | 150 (as part of general curriculum) |
M.A. (Sanskrit)
Distance Education, RBU) |
PG | — | 50 |
*Department Organized class test on a regular basis and also take internal assessment and project paper before University final exam.
Co-curricular activities of the Department:
* Department Wall magazine written and released by students every year.
* Some activities – Quiz, Group Discussion, N.S.S. Activities, Kanyashri Club, Teacher day conducted by the students.
Seminar/ Conference/ Webinar conducted:
Dated –29/06/2020, Time – 3 PM, Onwards, Venue – Google Meet.
Future Plans:
Assistant Professor & HoD
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View ProfileSACT
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