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History :

The Department of Sociology was established in the academic year 2015.Gradually the department flourished in response to the enormous urge of students to explore the various aspects of Sociology.

Objectives :

The improvement of various social and practical approaches of students is our objective. To encourage them participate in social awareness programmes and enable them perceive the importance the subject is also intended. The building of effective communication, which will help the students to elaborate their arena of knowledge and thinking, both written and oral, in the field of sociology through a variety of constructive forums.

Visionary :

Our vision is to set up a departmental library which may increase the students’ interest of study. The arrangement of an audio visual laboratory in future is also a yearned part of our educational journey.

Courses offered :

The department offers General course for the students. The department is also concerned about the need of initiation of Honours course as early as possible.

Student Strength :

At present approximately 150 students have been pursuing their studies in Sociology.

Co–curricular Activities :

The Department of Sociology is engaged in various social activities in order to enhance the social awareness among people. The students are associated with field works, door to door survey, peer discussion and many other useful activities. The encouragement of teachers helps them to build confidence and acquire practical knowledge.

Seminar/conference/Webminar conducted :

During the pandemic various seminars and virtual discussions on several useful topics have been arranged by the Department.