• About
  • Faculty Profile
  • Academic Resource
  • Routine
  • Syllabus
  • Prev. Year Question Paper
  • Gallery

1. About the Department :

Established in 1970, the Department of English at Balurghat Mahila Mahavidyalaya is one of the oldest in the College. Given its history, the Department has been closely involved in the growth of the College and has contributed consistently to the academic and cultural life. With its current affiliation from University of Gour Banga, the Dept. holds itself to high standards in academic performance and social responsibility.

2. Objective/Aim of the Department :

As a department, we are equally engaged with concerns of pedagogy and effective teaching-learning. We work with the objective of making our students informed and skilled readers of texts – whether written or performed or visual or filmic – which reflect the complexity of the world we live in. We aim to give our students exposure to a wide array of critical perspectives and methodologies available in the discipline today, through classroom teaching and other academic society events. An Honours student in the department will:

  • Identify and place, in the appropriate historical contexts and frameworks of literary and intellectual history, the works of literature in English comprising the University curriculum for an undergraduate degree in the discipline.
  • Analyze prescribed literary texts for their response to social and political organization, literary and cultural traditions, influences, and readerships or audiences.
  • Apply these categories of analysis to texts outside the curriculum, for student research papers and other academic projects.

Major milestone since inception of the Department :

  1. Every year the department observes Shakespeare’s Birth day on 23rd
  2. The department has organized few online seminars and lectures.
  3. Published Annual Wall Magazine

4. Courses Offered:

Sl No. Streams Intake Capacity
1 B.A. Honours in English 136
2 Elective English All
3 AEC for Semester II Students All
4 LC – 2 English for Semester III Students All General Course Students
5 SEC for English Honours Students All

5. Co-curricular activities of the Department :

The following co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are conducted on regular basis apart from a compulsory credit based evaluation for all students.

  1. NSS Camps and Cleanliness Drives throughout the year.
  2. Celebration of National Days,
  3. Open day (31st January),
  4. Foundation Day (12th August)
  5. Teacher’s Day
  6. Special events are organised on birth anniversary of renowned persons

The department organizes Cultural Activities regularly throughout the year for the all-round development of students.

6. Seminar / Conference / Webinar conducted :

  • Organized an online seminar on 20th Century British Literature.
  • Organized special lectures on Shakespeare’s Theatre, Re-reading of Jane Eyre, Editorial Writing

7. SWOC of the Department :

Strengths :

  • Well qualified faculty.
  • English language lab.
  • Departmental library.
  • Adequate teaching aids.
  • Film Unit for Screening movies

Weakness :

  • Level of awareness of the students due to their rural background.
  • Job opportunities and placement problems.
  • Lack of professional courses.
  • Communication skills and soft skills.

Opportunities :

  • Opportunities for PG and research.
  • Poor employment ratio.

Challenges :

  • To create an environment for English language as the majority of students come from remote rural areas.

8. Future plans :

  • To organize national and international seminars
  • Aim to publish an ISSN journal/e-journal of the department.
  • To have more extensive web lecture series by the eminent scholars.
  • To organize workshop, debate, extempore
  • Updating of language lab.

